The UPU has developed reports on ITMATT for PRIME. These reports are available on the QCS website of the UPU via The tool is provided with an online help, and there is also a User Guide.
The UPU reports exclude GXS to GXS traffic. Similar reports are produced by IPC, which report GXS to GXS traffic. The combination of the PTC reports and the IPC reports will provide a full picture on ITMATT.
There are 3 ITMATT reports: Declaration level, File level, and File level flat files.
Declaration level
This report provides an overview of the total volume for the selected link(s) (be careful, this volume differs from the ‘Volume in delivery calculation’ that is used in the PRIME reports, because not only items with an EMD are taken into account, but other events as well). Out of the total volume, the report shows how many items have a PREDES message, how many have an ITMATT, and how many have both. PREDES and ITMATT messages are only counted if they are sent before the item arrived in the destination country, and if they are sent to the correct Receiving post. Out of the items with an ITMATT, the remaining columns show the number and % of ITMATTs that have recipient information completed.
File level
The File level reports show how many files (=ITMATT messages) are sent per link, and how many of these have errors (on message level). One ITMATT message always contains information for multiple items.
File level flat files
The flat files are not on item level, but on ITMATT message level. Item level flat files might be added later.