Operator Details

Operator Name

Turkish PTT Corporation

ISO Code


PRIME services used


Provided under PRIME network: Yes

Inbound: Yes

Outbound: Yes

Prefix: R


Provided under PRIME network: Yes

Inbound: Yes

Prefix: L


Inbound: Yes

Prefix: L


Scanning Event Version



Registered: Yes

Tracked: Yes

Exprès: Yes

Collect from a Post Office

Registered: Yes

Tracked: Yes

Exprès: Yes

Different Address

Registered: Yes

Tracked: Yes

Exprès: Yes

Comments: upon sender's written instruction

PO Box

Tracked: Yes

Exprès: Yes

Comments: only if it contents document because of Customs Regulations

Official Delivery Days

Registered: 6 (except sunday)

Tracked: 6 (except sunday)

Exprès: 6 (except sunday)

Dutiable Items Accepted

Registered: Yes

Tracked: Yes

Exprès: Yes

Provide EMI for final delivery after an EMH

Registered: Yes

Tracked: Yes

Exprès: Yes

In what format are delivery advices provided

Registered: physical

Tracked: physical

Exprès: physical

Do you have any specific requirements for delivery (e.g. recipient phone number, email address, tax id number etc.)?

Turkish ID number is necessary at the time of delivery because of Customs Regulations

For Registered items, does your Post show a recipient name on your tracking website?


Recipient Delivery Confirmation

Physical Delivery Confirmation


Undeliverable Items

How many delivery attempts are made?


Is an advice of delivery left for undeliverable items?


How long are undelivered items held for?

7 days for letter post items


What is your customs threshold in local currency or SDR for:

Documents: There is no duty for documents.

Samples: Turkish Customs charge duty for all items including goods. There is no threshold.

Samples currency: TRY

Gifts: Turkish Customs charge duty for all items including goods. There is no threshold.

Gifts currency: TRY

Merchandise: Turkish Customs charge duty for all items including goods. There is no threshold.

Merchandise currency: USD

Do you charge for presentation to customs?


If yes, how much is this charge?

0,80 TRY

Maximum customs retention time

10 days


Post provides ITMATT data on

Registered: Yes

Insured: Yes

Post requests ITMATT data on

Registered: Yes

Tracked: Yes

Insured: Yes

Is your post currently sending Electronic Advance Data (ITMATT and PREDES) to at least 1 country?


Useful Information

National Tracking URL


Website URL
